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[HDFS] hdfs 파일을 aws S3로 복사하기 본문

Data Engineering & DataOps/Hadoop

[HDFS] hdfs 파일을 aws S3로 복사하기

JinungKim 2020. 8. 6. 12:06
참조 - https://medium.com/dataseries/copy-hadoop-data-hive-to-s3-bucket-d1ffb59279c8

Copy Hadoop Data — Hive to S3 Bucket

WHAT IS S3: S3 stands for “Simple Storage Service” and is offered by Amazon Web Services. It provides a simple to use file object storage…


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참조 - https://docs.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/5-8-x/topics/cdh_admin_distcp_data_cluster_migrate.html

Copying Cluster Data Using DistCp | 5.8.x | Cloudera Documentation

The guidelines mentioned in this section are only applicable for the following sample deployment: Let's assume you have two clusters with the realms: SOURCE and DESTINATION You have data that needs to be copied from SOURCE to DESTINATION Trust exists betwe


클라우데라 도큐먼트



hadoop distcp -Dfs.s3a.access.key=myAccessKey -Dfs.s3a.secret.key=mySecretKey hdfs://user/hdfs/mydata s3a://myBucket/mydata_backup

hdfs 파일 위치는 hue나 hdfs 웹 ui환경에서 복사해서 빠르게 카피카피

